Squam Lakes Association Logo
squam lakes association

Mission & History

Our Mission

The Squam Lakes Association is dedicated to conserving for public benefit the natural beauty, peaceful character, and resources of the watershed.
In collaboration with local and state partners the SLA promotes the protection, careful use, and shared enjoyment of the lakes, mountains, forests, open spaces, and wildlife of the Squam Lakes region.

Our History

At the turn of the century, Squam was quite different from the scene we enjoy today.
The surrounding mountains were cleared by logging, sawdust several feet thick had settled in many of the coves, driftwood made navigation hazardous, and refuse including tires, mattresses and dead animals, had been dumped in the lakes.

In 1904, the Squam Lakes Improvement Association was formed by a group of concerned landowners. In 1905, the association was legally incorporated as a non-profit conservation organization and renamed Squam Lakes Association (SLA). Initial efforts of the SLA were focused on eliminating pollution from the lakes, maintenance of the water level, boat safety, and navigation. Through cooperative relationships with local and state governments and the dedication of four generations of people who loved Squam, the watershed has been uniquely conserved. 

Our Vision

The Squam Lakes Watershed is a model for living in harmony with unique natural resources and cultural heritage.

Our Strategy

Squam Watershed Wellness is the strategy through which the Squam Lakes Association will carry out its mission. A healthy lake, healthy land, and healthy communities make for a healthy watershed.

Land Acknowledgement

The Squam watershed and trails are located on N'dakinna, the homelands of the Abenaki, Penacook, and other Wabanaki Peoples. We are grateful for those past and present who steward these lands.


Like the natural world, diversity makes organizations and communities stronger, more resilient, and more innovative.
We are committed to sharing and conserving the region for the public, which includes all people, regardless of their individual characteristics. We are working to better nurture a diverse staff, broaden the reach of our programs and access to all of the public, and foster a safe space for all to develop a deep respect and curiosity for nature.

The SLA recognizes that there are barriers to participation in conservation and we are actively working to overcome them. This work is ongoing, and we are collaborating with other organizations, our community, and beyond to build a stronger future.

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© Squam Lakes Association 2024. All Rights Reserved. The SLA is a non-profit 501 (C) 3.

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