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Renovations on the Squam Lakes Association headquarters have officially begun. As part of the Squam Watershed Campaign launched in 2022, we need to upgrade SLA buildings and grounds to better serve as efficient, effective, and sustainable launching pads and educational hubs for our programs and the community.


Renovations Include

· Improved great room with more meeting space

· High-tech water quality lab for on-site sampling and testing

· More efficient office space for staff and the Lakes Region Conservation Corps

· An educational programming room for public events and JSLA campers

· Winterizing the Fisher Family Barn for extended seasonal use

· Accessibility upgrades

Things to know...

· Our staff will still be on-site and available in our temporary office space located in the large SLA parking lot

· Renovations will be taking place over the winter and into the spring

· Although the store will be closed until spring 2024, Squam Lake charts and maps will still be available

· SLA operations will continue as usual

· Please avoid areas under construction

These renovations are a pivotal step for Squam Watershed Campaign. By improving SLA's infrastructure and capabilities, we will be more capable than ever and provide a more robust and welcoming environment for the Squam community.

SLA's renovation of our headquarters marks a crucial chapter in our commitment to enhancing environmental stewardship and community engagement in the Squam Watershed. As we strive to create more efficient, sustainable, and inclusive spaces for our programs and community, we invite you to support us during this transformative journey.

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